24th November 2021, EU Commission Representation in Italy Palazzo dei Campanari, Via IV Novembre, 149, 00187 Rome


Moderated by M. Dogliani (Fundacion Philippe Cousteau)

The designation of the Mediterranean as a maritime ECA (Emission Control Area), so called MEDECA, is currently under discussion within the Barcelona Convention whose COP 22 will be held on 7 10 December 2021. The MEDECA is the subject of the LIFE4MEDECA preparatory project which kicked off in 2021 and run s for 3 years aiming at facilitating the designation of the MED ECA as already done in the Baltic North Atlantic, and its implementation in non EU Med Countries. The aim of the workshop is to present the preliminary results of LIFE4MEDECA, including the ongoing air quality measurements in Med city ports, and to discuss t heir relevance and way forward in view of the Mediterranean Action Plan and the relevant complementary EU strategies.

Introduction L. Guerrieri (Northern Tyrrhenian Sea Port Authority System)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppO1Yw4Wy9k&list=PLTglUKpVg6Kj1yVdHzF IkS61FjK1PPaS&index=1

Opening address A. Rotta (Chair Environment Committee of the Italian Parliament)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exEfqO_uMoQ&list=PLTglUKp Vg6Kj1yVdHzF IkS61FjK1PPaS&index=12

From Strasbourg M. Campomenosi ( Member of TRAN, INTA and IMCO Committees)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbfw87Di0fU&list=PLTglUKpVg6Kj1yVdHzF IkS61FjK1PPaS&index=2

The Impact of MED ECA O. Rignault Ministère de la Mer, Chargèe de mission Environment
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ymni8u0 LkU&list=PLTglUKpVg6Kj1yVdHzF IkS61FjK1PPaS&index=4

Governing the transition B. Degani (former Undersecretary of State for Environment)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0MyIqgkMGo&list=PLTglUKpVg6Kj1yVdHzF IkS61FjK1PPaS&index=3

The MED ECA process G. Gonzales (Head of Office, REMPEC)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7Xea9Ts9V8&list=PLTglUKpVg6Kj1yVdHzF IkS61FjK1PPaS&i ndex=6

EMSA perspective S. Alda
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6SN4iEHKw&list=PLTglUKpVg6Kj1yVdHzF IkS61FjK1PPaS&index=7

LIFE4MEDECA interim results K. Press (GTD Denmark, LIFE4MEDECA partner)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9 TufPMk9I&list=PLTglUKpVg6K j1yVdHzF IkS61FjK1PPaS&index=5

Air quality levels in the Med A. Friedrich (International Air Pollution and shipping expert)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTI TGn6LQk&list=PLTglUKpVg6Kj1yVdHzF IkS61FjK1PPaS&index=10

The view of citizens A. Gerometta (Cittadini per l’Aria)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EADHxitLXk&list=PLTglUKpVg6Kj1yVdHzF IkS61FjK1PPaS&index=11

The role of Municipalities E. Bianco (Vice President, EU Committee of the Regions)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLu21LvpC9U&list=PLTglUKpVg6Kj1yVdHzF IkS61FjK1PPaS&index=8

Closing remarks G. Migliore ( Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean)
http s://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22SUkj7mHYY&list=PLTglUKpVg6Kj1yVdHzF IkS61FjK1PPaS&index=9