Bruxelles, 22 giugno 2022 – Parlamento Europeo, ASP1G3 hall

Ospitato da: On. M. Campomenosi
Moderato da: M. Dogliani – SDG4MED
I Paesi Mediterranei e l’Unione Europea hanno approvato, il 10 dicembre 2021 alla COP 22 della Convenzione di Barcellona
COP 22, on the designation of the whole Mediterranean as a Sulphur oxides Emission Control Area (SECA) and to
assess the feasibility of extending the control also to the nitrogen oxides , NOx (NECA).
The creation of ECAs will have a positive environmental and socio- economic impact in the area while triggering its
Green Transition through the desired Restoration of the Mediterranean, protecting its resources and biodiversity, as
well as facilitating the achievement of EU strategic objectives and its Missions. Who can/should do what to ensure this
to happen?

▪ Welcome and overall scenario – M. Campomenosi, (MEP, TRAN Member)
▪ Message from Italian Government – M. Carfagna, (Minister of policies for the South and Territ. Cohesion)
▪ The Port of Livorno & MEDECA- L. Guerrieri, (President, Northern Tyrrhenian Sea Port Authority System)
▪ MED SECA Status of play – O. Rignault, (Ministère de la Mer, Chargèe de mission Environment) (video)
▪ EU Commission Perspectives – R. Antidormi, (Policy Officer, DG ENV)
▪ LIFE4MEDECA Highlights: building the MEDfor55 synergy – F. De Bari (Head EU Programs & Innovation, Adsp
▪ LIFE4MEDECA Emerging Policies: a Mediterranean Seaport Point of View – F. Othman (Deputy General
Director for Ports, Office de la Marine Marchande et des Ports, Tunisia)
▪ LIFE4MEDECA Best practices and planned action – contributions from Stakeholders (ASSARMATORI,
ESPO, EU Committee of the Regions, Israelian Authorities, Maritime Clusters, Ports & Cities of the Med)

• A. Benveduti (Regional Minister of Economic Development of Regione Liguria)

• D. Bazargan (ASSOARMATORI)

• I. Ryckbost (ESPO)

▪ EU Mission Restore our Oceans and Waters – C. Pecoraro (DG R&I, Healthy Oceans and Seas)
▪ Citizens and fishermen for the Mediterranean-Mazara’s action plan – S. Quinci (Mayor of Mazara del Vallo)
▪ Science & capacity building: transforming the Med – S. Kholeif (SDG4MED and UN Ocean Decade)
▪ Contributions from the floor
▪ Conclusions and presentation of the LIFE4MEDECA Manifesto – M. Dogliani (President, SDG4MED)